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Public Affairs in biotechnology
Biotech innovations have the potential to create disruptive solutions for global challenges like climate change, food shortage, and much more. As a startup, entering an established market that is being steered by existing policies, value chains and consumers, can be a hurdle. In this article, we discuss the importance of Public Affairs to support commercialization of biotech innovations.
Nieuw Delfts talent in de maak voor verduurzaming van de voedselketen
De Biotech Campus Delft is de afgelopen jaren sterk in ontwikkeling en huist tegenwoordig een levendige innovatie hub met als missie om met biotechnologie als sleuteltechnologie de transitie naar een duurzame economie en gezonde voeding te versnellen. Er wordt nu een belangrijke nieuwe stap gezet in de ambitie van de Biotech Campus Delft; een samenwerking met Hogeschool Inholland om nieuw talent te ontwikkelen voor de snelgroeiende biotechbedrijven in onze regio en oplossingen te bieden voor het wereldvoedselvraagstuk van morgen.
Kickstart Fund supports collaboration project between Deep Branch and Delft University of Technology
In 2020, DSM NL established the Kickstart Fund to support the ecosystem around Planet and the Biotech Campus Delft. With a total annual budget of 200 k€, the Fund sponsors activities in three categories: pre-startup support, startup support and ecosystem support. These funds are coordinated by Planet
From Idea to Impact
Together with HollandBIO and Johnson & Johnson, Planet organized an event to explore best practices for bringing science "from bench to business". The event brought together more than 100 stakeholders including start-ups, industry, Technology Transfer Organizations (TTOs), academia, investors and enabling organizations.
VWR agreement offering discounts on chemicals and consumables to Planet residents
Planet is committed to adding value to our community every day, in every way possible. That is why we explore collaboration opportunities with suppliers for chemicals and consumables frequently used by Planet residents. We are happy to share that we have reached an agreement with VWR!
First 2 TU Delft pre-startups granted within DSM NL Kickstart Fund
In 2020, DSM NL established the Kickstart Fund to support the ecosystem around Planet and the Biotech Campus Delft. With a total annual budget of 200 k€, the Fund supports activities in three categories: pre-startup support, startup support and ecosystem support. The funds are coordinated by Planet Lab at the Biotech Campus Delft
The fight against climate change and for the sustainable production of food ingredients has a new ally: artificial intelligence. Delft University of Technology and DSM engage in a project to develop bio-based products and processes faster and smarter. Under the name Artificial Intelligence for Biosciences ( five PhD students will start their research.